I remember when I met Minister Mctaggart daughter Jamie Lauren I never knew she was his daughter I knew her from myfriend she liked him he never liked her somehow she got my number or I got her number we became friends she would call me to pick her up to go to where John worked just to spy on him II was cool I didn’t have nothing better to do at the time so I was helping her and we became friends and they allowed me to pick her up daily and take her to horse riding school or ranch so this was in the Lexus one night we were in town by the dock and I was asking her let’s be together like have sex she was friendly about it I trying every trick in the book she was cute so I wanted her the fact that we were talking like we were. Finally she says if you wanna be with me get one of those condos apartments that was on Don Fosters drive close to the waterfront I was flabbergasted and earnestly sought thought fully how I would ever get a Condominium complex after she gave me a ultimatum I was floored and the conversation was over because of who I am ithe thought permeate my soul because it spoke greatness in my potential to make it be a reality that was a real driver for me too looking back that’s funny today