. “A PRETTY AFTER-DINNER SPEECH FOR A BILLION DOLLARS mark 14:62 And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. King James Bible KinG Adrian S Porter
Mr Adrian Porter brings extensive knowledge & research abilities to the table an impressive bout of eloquence taking all banks & business in the Cayman Island’s to the heights of universal acclaim from which we could visualize the solid results of the most daring financial undertaking ever conceived, the project was regarded as a delirious dream of a easy-money ship docks . “The financial magnetism that began, 2 thousand years ago, with the apostle Paul on the Damascus road to attract priests & pastors & disciples thousands of small and sometimes inefficiently managed churches & companies into large and competition-crushing combinations, had become operative in the community of Israel Jerusalem today we are blessed with another rising star from Damascus Cayman Island’s the world through the devices of that jovial business pirate, Bill W. Gates Microsoft already had formed the World Wide Vision of a computer on every desk and in every home which made him the world’s richest man with his partner Paul Allen 1995 – 2017 more evidence of the potential of the internet is Jeff Bezos Amazon e-commerce online super store whom also became the world’s most richest man with billions of dollars in revenue Mr Adrian Porter I myself writing here now have prepared and studied the market & people looked it through with thorough thought & perspective we have the Mecca of Islam the Damascus of Israel the Bright & morning star of Los Angeles California Holly Wood the Bible states that the creation eagerly awaits for the sons of God to be revealed for the world was set in bondage in its present state until the coming forth of Gods Morning star who is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race his going forth is from the end of the heavens, and his circuit unto the ends of it: around the world and there’s nothing hid from the heat thereof. Cayman Islands we are inline for the next big wave of transfer of global wealth from the halls of wall street to shores of the Cayman Island’s and taking root pushing forceful information through position & pull gainsay chatsworth information must be given the rights as fortunate solutions enough to make cordial network associations of a chain of small concerns in the community together with the people to create A Billion Friends Company. The Global facebook American social network is a Bridge to people & is a revelation of the Kingdom of God on earth were two more Social networks twitter & linked in are in the match and cookie business trying to form the `American’ group- we have assurances through the Word of God the people will adhere & follow through on Gods Command thereby the side of Andrew Carnegie’s gigantic vertical trust, a trust owned and operated by fifty-three partners, those other combinations were picayune. They might combine to their heart’s content but the Gospel of wealth is a providence in which he gave away his wealth for the funding of public Libraries which shines light on the Scriptures Habakkuk 2:14 knowledge shall flood the earth as the waters cover the sea Jesus says whoever gives up lands houses wives fathers son’s daughters money for my sake and the Gospels will receive everything back one hundred fold with all the money in the world a lot of them couldn’t make a dent in the Carnegie organization, and I knew it. “The eccentric old Scot knew it, too. From the magnificent heights of Skibo Castle in Scotland he had viewed, first with amusement and then with investment , the attempts of smaller companies to cut into his business. When the attempts became too bold, Carnegie’s enthusiasm was translated into giving and libraries for knowledge He decided to duplicate every mill owned by his rivals the buildings today home to churches are picayune to Gods master plan Jesus feeds 5000 people Jesus gave Porter Authority mark 13:34 to watch & be Gods vessel of Honor Matthew 13:47 Again the Kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea and gathered of every kind. we have a worldwide example of the internet that is visible in every country and available to all Countries of the world invigorating people into everyday axioms of “knowledge” workers through A Billion Friends there’s prosperity for people of the world because knowledge is the golden stream that’s awakens sleeping hopes to daring dreams of grandeur if God be for us who can be against us